Note: There are a few "Not Safe For Work" photos at the bottom of this post. Just saying.
Though the Bay to Breakers race is 97 years old, I believe the practice of wearing outrageous costumes started in the 1970s...
...during the era of Beach Blanket Babylon's heyday...
...and the early days of the Gay Pride Parade when it was more creatively festive.
The most popular costume themes this year, for some reason, were Vikings...
...and large groups of people wearing the geeky track outfit from the movie "Juno."
There were a sprinkling of nudie dudes, the majority of which were middle-aged exhibitionists...
...but also enough young and good-looking variations to give the event a seasoning of eroticism.
My only concern was that they put on plenty of sunscreen. Otherwise, there was going to be pain from more than aching muscles.
There are going to be some burnt bits that never saw the sun before. Ouch! and LOL!
Here in Minneapolis, our pagan rite is the wonderful May Day parade. But the cops have made sure that there are no nude dudes, so there is a group that wears strategically places bunches of kale.
I don't mean to be a size queen, but, uh...
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