The French sycamores in Civic Center were being given their severe winter pruning this last weekend...
...and the plaza was covered with leaves.
Supposedly this makes the trees healthier in the long run, but it also creates a stark winter scene for the next four months or so.
You would think we lived in northern France rather than California, which is probably the idea.
What is the deal with those trees? Weren't there any less-ugly ones available? Are those the only kind of trees that can survive in that environment?
Dear Erik: I think they are meant to be "French" like the Beaux Arts architecture which is modeled on a French ideal. I'd rather have Canary Island palm trees such as are planted on Market Street and the Embarcadero, to tell you the truth.
Arriving in California in 1965 from the wintry east, I have always been mystified by these trees (they have them over at Cal too.) I think of them as "thalidomide trees." Dates me ...
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