Palm Springs has been so warm and beautiful it will be difficult to return to San Francisco later this month.
The place is also blessedly empty because most people don't travel in the United States between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
In fact, every other person on the street seems to be a polite Canadian.
Even the fake twirling Christmas tree at Frances Stevens Park is delightful, though the towering palms behind make it look a bit absurd.
Lovely, lovely! One of my life dreams is to spend some months in Oaxaca, because of memories of the bougainvillea everywhere. We had some in front of our house in SF, but it was too foggy, so it almost never turned color.
Dear Momo: Of course you're a Oaxaca person. I may be making my first trip there next year.
Okay -- next year we're going to Joshua Tree in December! Lovely.
Dear Jan: It can be snowing and freezing this time of year in Joshua Tree and the high desert. Consider a iittle luxury in Palm Springs in the "lower" desert instead.
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