On 10th Street between Mission and Howard there is an old brick building...
...that hosts a large scooter store on the ground floor...
...and a trio of nonprofits on the top floors.
I am assuming that the hilarious bit of signage above refers to being trained how to judge bare male chests rather than female, but in San Francisco one should never assume anything until it's proven one way or another.
I can't imagine how you train the judges. "We take off points for random chest hair. Either wax or fur, no in-between. Also, no touching."
Dear momo: I can't quite imagine it either, but then, I've never quite understood the judging at ice skating events either.
Well, I Googled it and found it is for the Bare Chest Calendar, proceeds of which go to benefit the AIDS cause.
Maybe for MY benefit, someone could organize a similar event with ladies. (((why is my dirty mind gravitating towards the most wonderful Beth S. right now?)))
Dear Donald: Bare Chest Beth S.? Hmmm, that would be interesting. I take it you are in the Russ Meyer mold when it comes to bare chest appreciation.
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