Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The 88th Birthday of George Birimisa

The pioneering gay playwright George Birimisa (above left with his niece) celebrated his 88th birthday on Sunday with a delightful collection of friends and family.

The hosts were a couple in the upper Eureka Valley, Alain and Martin (above left, with publisher Steve Susoyev on the right).

On Birimisa's entertaining blog (click here), he writes:
"I’m still emotionally digesting my 88th birthday party. It used to be 99% queer but now I have 9 heterosexual friends [including Dino above] at the party of about 25. It was a humdinger. Such a change from the old-old days where everyone was getting drunk and dishing everyone else...and my 80 year old sister was lovy-dovy with her 89 year old boyfriend [the pair are flanking George in the photo below]."

Happy birthday, George. You're an inspiration.

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