The staff at Bay Area Video Coalition promised they would broadcast the proper episode of "FotoTales" this evening at 7:30 PM on Channel 29, but since their computer system seems to be seriously screwed up these days, it's best not to be too optimistic. In any case, Episode 19 documents a trip to the Palm Springs Short Film Festival in the middle of August 2001 when the high temperature was about 120 degrees.
We had a short film in the festival and were invited to all the cool events, including a house party in Cathedral City where I met a British producer named Ivor Powell who was trying to raise money for a feature based on the short sci-fi film "The Dreamer" he had produced. "Have you ever worked with sci-fi before?" I asked him, and he replied, deadpan, "I started on the crew of Kubrick's '2001' and then was an associate producer on "Alien" and "Blade Runner." According to imdb, this was true, although after this film, he basically disappeared.
Update: If you don't live in San Francisco and have cable, you can live-stream the show at 7:30 PM by clicking here.
Hi Mike,
Your story about underestimating Ivor Powell is a real scream. I have experience in making an idiot of myself, so if you ever need tutoring with the unique skill of being an idiot, just let me know and I'll do my best to tell you everything I don't know.
And I guess I got stoned or something and missed it--I DID check your blog on Thursday but thought I could come back when I had a full 30 minutes to absorb your masterpiece#19. Imagine my HORROR this morning when I clicked on the link and found it was streaming some dude explaining something that I was having a difficult time following.
Anyway, I searched the TV Station webpage up and down, sideways and forward, but I couldn't find any archived shows. Am I just missing it? Didn't see any page for any past shows--I thought you mentioned they had all the shows archived. HELP. Gotta see masterpiece#19.
Thanking you in advance,
Dear Don:
The Bay Area Video Coalition is having serious problems with their servers/software/god knows what, so the archiving is not working right now. I'll give you a DVD or send you an email when it is up there ready for streaming. I also need to buy a hardback version of your Lagunitas Creek masterpiece because I want to see your photos printed correctly, not to mention my magnificent blurb on the jacket.
Hi Mike,
Oh cool. Yep, I'll reserve one for you and I still need to get one to Diane. Maybe we can get together soon.
And Mike, I really appreciated your blurb on the dust jacket -- gives the book some credibility.
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