A new episode of FotoTales, my television show through memory lane, is appearing tonight and covers May 9th to May 17th, 2001. There are glamorous office parties...
...a mother/daughter drag pageant at Marlena's in the Hayes Valley...
...a visit from the Dalai Lama, and a concert by rock guitarist Mark Knopfler at the Berkeley Community Theatre.
You can watch it at any time by clicking here, or via live streaming at 7:30 PM on the BAVC website. You can also watch it on your big screen TV this evening at 7:30 PM on Channel 29 if you have San Francisco cable television.
Again, GREAT stuff! I've got to arrange some time so I can watch all episodes. Again, that opening is killer.
Thanks, Donald. There's a standing invitation for you to come watch it at my house on my big screen TV any Thursday evening at 7:30 PM. It looks surprisingly great on a large screen even though the show is fairly low resolution. And the really fun way to watch is when it's mirroring the same week of the year ten years earlier. Much has changed and a lot has not.
Thanks for posting these. Looking at these windows on 10 years ago is kinda fun. It reminds me of when I moved back to SF in 2000 and is also a reminder of how much has changed since then.
Earlier today I was at the SF Main Library in the history section, and was doing some research on the history of the Board of Supervisors. I found a great article from 1997 talking about Newsom's first day as Supervisor and how he flip flopped on the first issue he was confronted with in 24 hours.
Oh the irony.
Dear Greg: Glad you're enjoying them. I was trying to create these for the future, and guess what, the future is here.
Hey, Mike. Thanks for the fun museum hop last night. Now that this post is back up, you'll want to edit the labels, which have weird symbols in the place of white space and commas.
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