The lighted gels at City Hall have been getting quite a workout lately, with an orange glow in anticipation of Barry Bonds breaking the home run record followed by a pinkish red glow for most of the last week.
It seems we are celebrating the arrival of Virgin America to SFO, that previously delightful and presently overbuilt and overdesigned, not-enough-runways-unless-they-pave-the-bay airport.
I'm also not sure why local taxpayers are being asked to pay for expensive signage everywhere in Civic Center to welcome Virgin America, but maybe that was in Richard Branson's contract with the city. At least they are nicely designed.
You know, the word "virgin" in the name of a business still doesn't sound right. (Like, are they talking never been f***ed, or hymen-intact?)
In the middle picture, the building on the left, with the inverted-funnel cap--is that the library? The design is so childlike, like Nu-nu the nanny in Teletubbies.
I'm glad you're back stalking SF.
Actually, the inverted funnel cap belongs to the Superior Court building, and I know what you mean about "Virgin." All I can think of is "The Virgin Queen" starring Bette Davis as Queen Elizabeth.
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