My friend Heidi in Santa Barbara has had to compete with the Big J for birthday attention all her life, and in reality the historical Jesus was probably not born on December 25th like she was.
Heidi's been a practicing Tibetan Buddhist for some time, so think of this as a birthday card for her.
Since starting this blog, I've met some very interesting new people who I would also like to wish well.
Happy Winter Solstice to the East Coast Witch.
Feliz Hanukkah to h brown and his Burrito Salon Crew, along with Albglinka at Albert's World of Artsy Fun.
Peace on Earth to Markley and all of his Radical Pacifist friends.
Though I haven't met them, I get awfully good vibes from Peteykins in Washington DC and Lance in New York State and Kit in Buenaventura. Merry Christmas, Dudes.
And to the would-be revolutionaries like Kimo and Pedro and Clark and Eddie, Happy New Year. It's going to be interesting.
Hi Mike,
I love my birthday card! Feliz Navidad and best wishes to you and all our connections, known and unknown, on the dear Net of Indra.
And peace on earth and a wonderful new year to you, Mike, with lots of angels but no Blue Angels
We were both right.
The hymn was written by Blake.
What a coincidence.
lovely to spend christmas with you yesterday.
I have now spent one 20th of my lifetime's Christmases with you.
Maui 2006 as long as i dont have to watch lots of films
The Dark Satanic Beets have been blogged
Feliz Holidays to you too, Mr. Friar Mike! --Alb/Grove
And a Happy New Year to you Mike, and thanks especially for that last grinning guy...he looks happy and wise all at once. May we all be so fortunate in the year to come.
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