If you happen to be reading this at work, you should probably not scroll down any further because there is some serious nudity ahead.
The "naturists," people who once confined themselves to old-fashioned Nudist Colonies and Nude Beaches...
...have discovered the Bay to Breakers and made it something of their own.
What's most amusing is how unflappable everyone around the nude people tend to be...
...as if it's just another costume, which in a sense it is.
There were a number of naked male-female couples...
...but most of the exhibitionists were guys.
Though most kept themselves hanging, there were also a few erections on display...
...such as the guy with the pharoah headpiece who was showing his stuff to the women behind him on request, to their evident shock and amusement.
At your first naturist experience, you may feel apprehensive and worried that people will be staring at you. But a visit to truenudist.net is much different than you would experience anywhere else. At there, you will not find people trying to undress you with their eyes, from afar or near, because there is nothing left for the imagination to remove. You will not find people throwing outdated, lewd or offensive pickup lines at you. And you may need to check truenudist.net out there.
Dear Carrie: I've been going to California nude beaches since puberty, and realized early on that nobody looks at you much if you're naked at a nude beach, and the way to really get attention is to wear too many clothes. Likewise, at a clothed event like the Bay to Breakers, a way to get attention is to go naked. My feeling is when in Rome...
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