Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Postcard from Palm Springs

Through several quirks of fate, I pay a mortgage on a condo in Palm Springs that has been a godsend during this pandemic...
... in particular during this last week before today's U.S. General Election.
The free-floating dread over the consequences of four more years of fascism in the U.S. has much of the world in a state of anxiety...
...wondering how extensive the right-wing cult of crazy really is in this country. (Babies on the Move are sculptures by David Cerny that used to haunt the city of Prague.)
I'm feeling optimistic only because the early voting turnout has already been historic.
When people turn out to vote, Democrats tend to win and Republicans to lose.
Let's shut the door on an archaic past and political structure, and begin the task of rebuilding a new reality.

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