San Francisco City Hall has been shaded green for over a week in anticipation of St. Patrick's Day, which seemed like a bit of overkill, but perhaps somebody on the building's facilities staff just likes their green gels.
Saturday the 27th brought the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade up Market Street to Civic Center.
It was the usual mix of surrealism, like the Red Bull Girls talking to a two-fisted PBR and Red Bull drinker...
...standing across Polk Street from the official judging tent at the end of the parade route.
For the first time in memory, there were police barriers in front of City Hall's steps just across from the judging tent...
...which was too bad, since the stairs offer some of the best views.
There are more white people and their children at this event than just about any other parade I can think of that ends up in Civic Center...
...though the event is blessedly inclusive and you don't need a drop of Irish blood to march down the street in it.
I was kind of a hipster when I was young, but I'm glad I'm not now. I can stand Red Bull or PBR.
I fancy I was something of a hipster long ago but I guess no longer because I've never drunk Red Bull and have not idea what a PBR is.
Dear Markley: Red Bull is an overpriced "energy" drink and PBR is the acrononym for Pabst Blue Ribbon, a cheap beer that for some reason has become a fad in San Francisco's young people's bars.
Another simple typo. I CAN'T stand Red Bull or PBR.
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