I walked under a dark double-decker freeway that cuts through the South of Market neighborhood, below a fairly obscene Bacardi Mojito billboard planted in somebody's front window...
...to see how Brian Barneclo's "Food Chain Mural" was coming along.
It's going up on the side of this monster FoodsCo discount grocery store...
...which stupidly has chain-link fencing around its parking lot, so that these local pedestrian shoppers were handing their groceries over the fence...
...rather than hauling them halfway around the block.
The mural itself is being filled in at an extraordinary pace...
...and is becoming more vibrant...
...with each passing day.
Brian, the artist, liked the photos I posted on this blog last week.
"Lots of blue sky, and anything looks good," he commented.
"The trick is to also have it look interesting at night, which is one reason I put in the night sky up there on the left..."
"...and it's also got to look good in the fog."
"Those are just a few of the things I've got to keep in my head while creating the mural."
His assistant Justin looked thoroughly absorbed...
...creating life out of paint.
Your blog and narrative voice are a perfect venue for stories like this - thank you!
That's quite nice! The muralist appears to be strongly influenced by Stuart Davis, and I'll never object to that.
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