My three sisters live in the country on the Central Coast of California near San Luis Obispo.
It's one of the last stretches of Southern California coastline that aren't reserved for the military or the seriously rich.
It's also extremely beautiful.
After spending a night with my sister Susan in Arroyo Grande, along with her new labrador puppy Willie...
...her husband BJ and her sons Marshall and Matt...
...we drove 100 miles south to my friend Jack Murray's house in rich, lovely, geriatric Santa Barbara for two days.
The highlight of the visit was an afternoon on the beach with an old high school friend, Heidi Seward.
She took us to an exquisitely beautiful beach 10 miles south of Santa Barbara off of Santa Claus Lane...
...where we bodysurfed in the warm ocean.
Unlike the Eastern seaboard of the United States, with its private beaches and private communities and class distinctions up the wazoo...
California has a very populist, democratic attitude towards the beach as an easily accessible place for public recreation.
It's a place to play.
It's also filled with teenagers of both sexes of unearthly beauty...
...learning how to use their new bodies.
I had forgotten how perfectly charming it could be.
i am so jealous....
hope the rest of your journey was uplifting... i enjoyed the overall simplicity of your blog - allowing the photos to do the speaking w/ the words a voice in the background. Thank you.
You were in SB and didn't call me for lunch!?!?!?! I'll forgive you, this time. But next time you're in what we locals call the "tri-county area", you'd better come and see me, fair warning.
Sorry to hear about the closure in the last post of the three landmarks. I used to soak up a lot of ETOH at the Muse -- it was a "super" hangout of long standing. In fact, I remember, dimly, a long gossip fest with your own wonderful self there after Turandot or something. Booze was one thing, their food another. I got a nasty case of food poisoning from shellfish there. Books Inc, I hear from other sources, is taking over ACWLPFB - better another local business than Barnes and Noble.
Your pictures of the beach are beautiful.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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