Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SF Dems Debate Watch

I wasn't going to watch the Harris v. Trump debate on ABC television last night because I can't listen to him without feeling ill.
I did finally screw up the courage to jump on a Muni bus and go to the new election headquarters for the San Francisco Democratic Party at Fifth and Market.
By 5:30 PM there was a good crowd listening to various local political celebrities bragging about what good friends they have been with Kamala Harris over the decades while urging people to volunteer and get involved in the November election.
California State Senator Scott Weiner gave a speech... did California State Treasurer Fiona Ma.
San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu recounted how he was told early in his career to watch then-District Attorney Kamala Harris in court because she was a master.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed has the sole endorsement of the San Francisco Democratic Party for another term, so she was the only candidate for that office that I spotted working the room.
In fact, it was odd not seeing other Democratic candidates for various offices present, but this was very much a "City Family" event.
Shortly before the debate began, the crowd was instructed to cheer and wave signs for a national television clip of San Franciscans at a watch party.
The hardworking audio-visual crew helped cue the assembly and joined right in.
I could only endure 30 minutes of the malignant, delusional Trump but was cheered by Harris's extraordinary performance. At home, I watched the last 30 minutes of Harris carving up the gaseous old wind bag, and it was a tonic. Hearing the news of the Taylor Swift endorsement soon after felt very much like a fairy tale ending.

1 comment:

janinsanfran said...

Wonderful account of the tired locals! Almost missed this.