Saturday, December 16, 2023

Trixxie Carr Channels Cyndi Lauper at The Oasis

A few weeks ago Austin and I went to a drag show honoring Cyndi Lauper at the Oasis nightclub on 11th and Folsom.
The tickets were a last-minute gift from a pair of friends who couldn't make it, and the seats were for the deluxe front row runway, where the performers would bend down or crawl on their knees to receive cash tips from the patrons.
The organizer and main diva of the evening was Trixxie Carr who has been worshiping the singer since her 1983 debut album, She's So Unusual.
Joining her were for a few numbers were friends Queera Nightly...
...and Miss Raina, who usually appears in drag king events...
...and the fabulous, steely-eyed Mary Vice.
During one song, Trixxie brought up revolting imagery from Cyndi's shameful public moment, her appearance on Celebrity Apprentice.
I never did quite figure out Trixxie's cis gender, but it did not matter, and her colleagues spanned the gender globe.
For the finale, Trixxie sang two numbers with her own pretty, on-pitch voice, accompanied by Diogo Zavadzki on guitar, and they were a lovely duo.
Though I've probably seen one too many drag shows over the decades, having been a gay guy who liked to go out, this was still a heartening show, and the Oasis is a cool nightclub that is very much its own magical place. Check out their calendar here.

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