Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Double Rainbow Giants

San Francisco's late summer weather went from its usual freezing Pacific foggy blasts to a hint of tropical hurricane this afternoon, climaxing in a double rainbow over the Giants baseball stadium this evening. I have no idea how the game has turned out for our late season, division leading team, but the apparition definitely feels like a Wiccan omen of some sort.


Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

Great image! How can I use it over at my blog. My post about the rainbows tonight is up here:

AlbGlinka said...

Hey Mike, great seeing you at the Gala last night and I just read your very good preview of the upcoming Opera Season. Will be curious to hear what you thought of the performance.

Looks like the supers were shoved way into the back for this run of Rigoletto, and the lady supers lost their roles completely to professional dancers! Tragic...

Civic Center said...

Dear AlbGlinka: A photo of you at the Gala would have been up in the post above this except none of them turned out as well as they should have. Lovely to see you again too, and welcome back from the Wilds of Southern California. As you'll see, I did mention the unfortunate substitution of Ballerinas for Slutty Supers in my wrapup of the evening.

AlbGlinka said...

ahh, just read this after posting previous comment. I'm sure the slutty super ladies were quite disappointed that they couldn't show off their faux nipples again.