Friday was the last day working as a lowly office clerk in the U.S. Census Bureau headquarters before transferring to the field as an "Enumerator," a term that sounds straight out of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."
This means that I will soon be walking about knocking on San Francisco strangers' doors in an attempt to enumerate them for the federal government, which should be interesting.
The sense of relief in getting out of that toxic central office is making me overwhelmingly happy, as I will finally have time and energy again, for my cat Tiger Woods...
...friends and acquaintances... partner Tony...
...along with a wider world that's unimaginably rich and beautiful.
Mike, the people on whose doors you knock, will be lucky.
Dear Markley: Ahhh, that's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me.
Ok, no bad jokes about the golfer, and I guess you named it before the scandles broke, but your cat Tiger Woods sure looks like it's a big guy now...
Welcome back to the world! I hope your enumerating is adventurous and we'll get to hear about it...
I, on the other hand, am diving deep into Clerk-ville. It fits my schedule better, so I'm going to stick it out.
Eight weeks. How bad can it be?
Dear Matty: Very bad indeed, but every office has its own idiosyncratic reality. Hope yours is better than mine.
Everybody sing a chorus of "I hear you knocking....."
Yeah -- back to the living!
ahh, that sounds and looks better already.
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