The monthly art opening in Supervisor Mirkarimi's office in City Hall featured new parents...
...crawling babes...
...and not-very interesting B&W photos by a group of teenagers on the walls prompted by an historical tour of the Western Addition neighborhood.
They were part of a summer program of "deserving teens" called Spotlight on the Arts which is sponsored by California Lawyers for the Arts (click here for their website) and is partially funded by such benevolent citizens as Lennar Corporation, Wells Fargo, PG&E and Diane B. Wilsey.
I joined the amusing and informative h. Brown (above right) for another party a couple of blocks away which was raising funds for John Avalos, who is running for District 11 Supervisor this November.
The very jolly party was at The Rickshaw Stop, a young hipster music spot on Fell Street between Franklin and Van Ness which I'd never visited before.
The candidate spent much of the evening dancing quite well with his wife Karen Zapata...
...and then discussing politics with guests such as Supervisor Mirkarimi and Luke Thomas above.
I was going to go to the fundraiser, but realized I needed to run home to get a book to have autographed by Taylor Mead at a screening of Lonesome Cowboys at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
Dear larry-bob: Well, "Lonesome Cowboys" IS important, particularly its endless pissing scene, so I'd say you made the right choice.
political parties blog title drew me in...watching the presidential debate with thoughts that Obama should be president and McCain should be vice-president..and then both political parties can work together representing ALL the people. Your photos are great.
Hey, that is me in the 3rd photo! And I also went to the Avalos fundraiser afterward...
Ross' art parties are always a good time, no matter what artwork is being displayed.
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