The weekly Thursday peace vigil in front of the Federal Building on Golden Gate Avenue continues since the illegal occupation of Iraq by the United States military also continues. So what was Dianne Feinstein, our "centrist" Democratic senator from California, doing at the same time, you ask? Why, she was co-sponsoring a constitutional amendment in the United States Senate to ban American flag burning.
According to Jon over at SFist, "In her speech to her fellow Senators, DiFi put up that famous picture of marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima and talked about all the warm fuzzies she got when she first saw the picture." To call this woman a contemptible witch is actually being kind.
Meanwhile, a truly patriotic soul such as Lt. Watada of Hawaii became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the Iraq War. Lt. Watada said, "I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. My oath of office is to protect and defend America's laws and its people. By refusing unlawful orders for an illegal war, I fulfill that oath today."
Lt. Watada faces possible court-martial charges for refusing to participate in the Iraq war and occupation and intends to defend himself based on the illegality of the Iraq war and occupation. "I am whole-heartedly opposed to the continued war in Iraq, the deception used to wage this war, and the lawlessness that has pervaded every aspect of our civilian leadership." To check out a website supporting Lt. Watada, click here.
At the "happening-here" blog, Jan has just returned from a trip to Lebanon, Jordan and Syria where she took beautiful photos (above is from the Damascus souq) that accompany interesting stories from international aid workers and Iraqi exiles both Christian and Muslim. Though it only reinforces the true horror of what the blundering American empire has wrought in Iraq recently, the specificity of the accounts and the details are fascinating. Check it out by clicking here.
Thanks for a great entry, Mike. I'm horrified that our Senator supports outlawing flag-burning. This stupid amendment was proposed with no hope for passage for the sole purpose of energizing Bush's far right base. How could Dianne be so stupid?
DiFi has been a Republican almost since she went to DC. I guess SF voters think she's still the same person who once occupied the mayor's office - a very different time. Anyone who can afford the house she just bought in Pacific Heights (so she'll have will "have more room for her family") NEVER will be able to represnt me, or any of the other San Franciscans who struggle just to stay in the city we love.
As ofr Lt. Watada - more power to him! I hope he gets so much press that we will all have to decide to get out of an illegal, immoral war. Michael, thanks for the good blog entry. Much appreciated.
Dear Anonymous: DiFi has always been a Republican. That's why it took an assasin's bullet to revive her sputtering SF political career. So, yes, this SF voter DOES think she's the same person who occupied the mayor's office.
Another great post!
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