Huge stacks of sapling trees and branches were hauled into Civic Center's plaza on Thursday for an installation by the extraordinary sculptor Patrick Dougherty...
...who is something of a wood whisperer (click here for examples on his website).
The sculptures are going to be entwined with the newly pruned sycamore trees on either side of the main plaza where Slow Food Nation plopped down their Victory Garden last year.
On Thursday, scaffolding had been set up around one set of trees...
...where Patrick was working with a small group of assistants at the start of what's going to be a three-week construction project.
I wrote about Dougherty and an installation he created at the Palm Springs Art Museum a couple of years ago (click here) and can hardly wait to see what he's going to create this time.
I remember the Palms Springs post. Looking forward to developments.
... well written people, I enjoy a good, interesting blog!
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