Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Anthony James's Cosmic 80" Great Rhombicosidodecahedron

The Palm Springs Art Museum reopened for the first time during this pandemic a couple of weeks ago, and in the lobby area there is a startlingly trippy sculpture by the British born, Los Angeles based artist Anthony James.
At his website, in the Works section (click here), the artist has written absurdly oracular descriptions of his various painting and sculpture series. Here's an example: "I’m interested in revealing and sharing truth. My intention is to bring an impossible concept like the idea of infinity, or the cosmos, into physical objective existence. I am attempting to express science, spirituality, and philosophy in an object the purest and most honest way I know how."
Visual artists, with a few major exceptions, are not good with written descriptions, which is probably why they are visual artists in the first place. Check out the Photos section (click here) and marvel at the remarkable work he's been creating over the last couple of decades, none the same as the last.
This latest series of three-dimensional kaleidescopes really does hint at a visual approximation of infinity.
The only sculptures I have seen that are remotely similar are the work of Taiwan-born, Oakland-based Nick Dong (click here). I am glad California is still attracting visionary artists from around the world.

1 comment:

  1. See also Hybycozo:
