Thursday, June 11, 2020

Beasts of Patricia's Green

The small parklet in Hayes Valley called Patricia's Green is host to all kinds of characters during the day, including the beautiful young woman above who sat on the middle of the dog-piss lawn and texted obsessively on her mobile before getting on her bike and nearly running us over on the sidewalk a block away.

There are also lots of local pooches accompanied by their mostly pleasant owners.

Our favorite beast yesterday was a big white bird being walked by its owner.

He decided to hop onto the bench we were sitting on.

"He must like you if he's doing that," his owner informed us.

"His name is Casper, spelled like the ghost. Everybody knows him. He's famous."


  1. What do you think about masks and parks? On the one hand, I have not yet found one within which I can breathe. But not wearing them gets us used to skipping masking, and I do fear that is going to come back at us.

  2. Dear Jan:

    I find a bandana works best for me in terms of breathing (and looking like a cowboy) and I always wear one around my neck when walking in public. When I get within 20 feet or so of another person, I put it up over my nose and mouth and take it back down after we've passed. Within parks, just sitting, I keep it around my neck and stay distant from other people. Feels like one of the safer solutions.
