Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Sunday with The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

I wasn't going to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Easter Sunday party in Dolores Park because large, claustrophobic groups of people is not appealing...

...but the weather was perfectly gorgeous for an outdoor fest...

...and the noon opening was not particularly crowded.

The deciding push was to join my friends James and Shinya (above on the ends) as they hosted a birthday party for Gunther, the German chef, along with Kian, their Iranian dentist friend.

I think of the quartet as The Three Musketeers plus D'Artagnan, but more international.

It's always been interesting to me how many people have been harmed by religion...

...and working some of that out in a public, theatrical setting seems to be enormously healing.

At its best, the afternoon felt like an "expiation of guilt" and all about love.

Plus, some of the outfits were insanely great.

The entertainment from the stage was distinctly amateur, the sound system was awful and too loud...

...but the rough-hewn show is part of the integral appeal.

Many of the picnickers were in fabulous costumes, like the punk bunny...

...and the insulation duct Easter bonnet.

It became seriously crowded as the day wore on...

...but the mood could not have been more sweet and peaceful.

Best of all, in many cases it was impossible to tell who was gay and straight in the crowd, which was refreshing, and felt new.

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