Saturday, June 09, 2018

Graduation Day

Wednesday was Graduation Day for a trio of San Francisco high schools at Bill Graham Auditorium in Civic Center.

What you are seeing is the aftermath of Lincoln High School's graduation...

...and the youthful sweetness on display was almost heartbreaking.

May they create a better world than the one that is being handed off to them.


  1. Amen, Michael!
    (And also, how weird to just be shuffling the kids in and out of Bill Graham all day... I suppose it makes perfect sense but so odd to me!)

  2. Dear Janos: Glad it made you happy.

    Dear Rachel: I was trying to get hold of you yesterday and realized I didn't have your info again for an invite to SFMOMA. Please ping me at

  3. Aw! I will email you tonight!
