Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sea Lions vs. Swimmers

After a couple of years of declining population, California sea lions have made a comeback according to SFGate.

This is good news not only for the critters themselves, but for tourists at Pier 39 who are enjoying the 28th anniversary of the invasion of sea lions on what were originally intended as marina docks for boaters.

This is my favorite animal attraction because, unlike zoos or aquariums, there are no cages or enclosures and the large mammals are free to come and go as they please.

Half the fun is watching the bad boy behavior as they play King of the Dock...

...pushing and nudging each other off of the platforms back into the water.

Further west on the waterfront at Aquatic Park, the interactions between sea lions and swimmers have recently been less playful.

At least four people have been bitten or bumped by the critters over the last month, and swimming was even banned for a few days.

However, swimmers from the local Dolphin Club and South End Rowing Club have been venturing into the very cold, unclean waters of San Francisco Bay since the 1870s, and a few sea lions will probably not stop such determined characters.

1 comment:

  1. I'll admit to loving the sea lions too, Michael!
    Definitely a funny/strange experience to watch grown adults (and be one of them) coo over them the way we do. I love seals too, but can't remember the last time I saw one here in California.
