Monday, February 13, 2012

America's Got Terrible Talent Shows

Simon Cowell's America's Got Talent TV show was holding public auditions in Bill Graham auditorium this weekend...

...and Sunday's roster of hopeful starlets were being herded pre-audition into the main square of Civic Center for a photo and video op.

The English-accented blonde above was trying to rustle the crowd into some kind of shape for a photo shoot...

...but it was a bit like herding cats.

There were aspiring entertainers everywhere...

...looking variously sad, elated, and altogether delusional.

It felt a bit like walking through The Day of the Locust for breakfast.


  1. More people should read Nathaniel West. I'm sharing this one.

  2. Jon beat me to it. All Nathaniel West references are worth bonus points.

  3. And extra bonus points to commenters who don't even need Nathaniel West spelled out for them.
