Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama Motorcade

President Obama was in the Bay Area today, acting in his version of "The Social Network." This involved giving a speech about the budget and health care at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto and then motoring to San Francisco for a Pacific Heights dinner fundraiser followed by another fundraiser at the Masonic Auditorium on Nob Hill.

In a lucky moment, I managed to miss traffic tie-ups in both Silicon Valley and San Francisco, arriving home at 6PM just in time for a pair of San Francisco motorcycle policemen to commandeer the intersection of McAllister and Franklin for thirty minutes.

The President's convoy was taking a right turn from McAllister Street onto Franklin Street, and a whole army of policemen in SUVs and motorcycles were integral to this maneuver.

The weirdest vehicle was the one pictured above with uses that can only be imagined. Luggage? Bomb detonators? Ponies? Weapons? Booze?


  1. Standing at the intersection of California and Webster (around 5:30, I think), I saw it go by, heading West at high speed. First, _dozens_ of motorcycles, peeling off at intersections to halt cross traffic, then a few black limos, then black vans with roofs full of antennas, then lots more vans, some cars, the "weird vehicle", a small truck with Fire Department insignia....

    I'm glad to find out what it was.

  2. Oh, that truck with the square box -- well, my best guess -- it's job is to sweep up all the horse-crap that Mr. O drops along the way.
