Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ecstasy and the Moon

The Burning Man sculpture in the Hayes Valley, Ecstasy, was gazing at a half-moon on Thursday evening, while presiding over neighborhood dog walkers at her feet.


  1. And now I know why it's called both a moon and a camel-toe.

    Removing the sarcasm, that's a very nice shot.

  2. Dear Matty: The statue is being shot from the back of the figure in silhouette so actually you're getting a moon and a moon rather than a camel toe. But the sliver of light in the crotch area mirroring the sliver of light in the moon was definitely part of why I took the picture.

  3. Beautiful photo, I can just imagine the Hayes Valley hipsters lounging beneath...

    Hey Mike: you're currently the only journalist I know, and I'm officially inviting you again to my Open Studios Day, today Sunday Oct. 17th, from 11-6pm... 340 Bryant near Second St, right up from the ballpark. It's South Beach Artists Studios, Hope you can make it, I would love you to see my work! Grove

  4. Dear Grove: I'd love to come but I have tickets for an old ladies' matinee at the Symphony today. Next time.

  5. Mike: no prob-- I'm planning on other exhibits to arise now that I finally have a studio space... hope you enjoyed the concert.

  6. Yearning for the moon...very sexy.
