Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Posting has been light because I have had a painful deadline on a paying project for the last 10 days, and next Monday I am going to join a Federal bureaucracy for three to four months, so that might cramp my style a bit too. We shall see.

In the meantime, here are some shots from 2007's New Years Day on San Francisco's Ocean Beach.

Hope your new year is bright and beautiful.


  1. Oh my gosh -- are you working on the Census? Congrats!

    I'm working parallel to the Census, from the perspective of community groups, starting Monday. Nice of the Feds to provide work.

    Happy New Year!

  2. You know, I've never heard of prison referred to as a "Federal bureaucracy" -- but, say it isn't true... (JK)
    Good luck 2010 right back at you...

  3. Happy new year, Mike!

  4. HNY to you and Tony!

  5. Gorgeous shots of Ocean Beach... I miss SF.
