Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Daredevil Marketing 2

The Embarcadero Center skyscrapers create wind tunnels even when there isn't a natural breeze... that the skydivers looked in serious peril as they tried to negotiate away from the building.

To add to the spectacle, several of the skydivers were emitting colored smoke trails through the sky.

Most of them landed in a park area behind Justin Herman Plaza...

...but half a dozen actually landed in the plaza,...

...which required a complicated maneuver as they banked near the Ferry Building and then flew in right over the jumbo screen.

The gentleman pictured above had some trouble negotiating the last hundred yards of the landing...

...and came within inches of taking out a section of the crowd.

He looked a bit sheepish and shaken up as the crowd applauded his and their own survival.

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