Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ferry Boat Mantra

For pleasure and relaxation after a nasty day at work...

...there is hardly a better antidote than a ferry boat ride on the San Francisco Bay.

The destination doesn't particularly matter since the journey is the point. Bon voyage.


  1. Being employed by a well known local bridge, I can ride the ferry for free. I once had a long split shift with an inconvenient break. I spent the break taking two round trips daily on the ferry. I made friends with the deckhands who told me that they were certain that they had the best job in the world. I couldn't disagree.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    What beautiful colors in the sky and water.

  3. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Man! You're making me homesick again...

  4. Your photos bring back pleasant memories of visiting SF when I was a young thing. I loved the ferry ... and it's probably been 20 years, at least, since I took a ride. I think it may be time to brave the Wild Traffic and do it again.
    Humble thanks, by the way, for the kind thoughts and good karma.
