Friday, February 09, 2007

Poolside Hiatus

Having heard one detail too many about Gavin Newsom's sordid behavior lately, not to mention having a huge paying job with a Sunday deadline, it seemed a good time to head for Palm Springs.

If the job is finished on time, expect a few desert pictures to perk up your rain-soaked lives this week. If not, posting will be intermittent.


  1. I like your blog, SFMike. The photos and commentary are great -- both me want to visit SF again one of these days soon. It's been about 20 years since I was there.

    Is there a more idealistic, yet pragmatic, city anywhere? I think not.

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    My life has been anything but rain-soaked this winter, but here's hoping that changes this weekend.

  3. Tarry a while! Thou art so fair.
    Faust, Goethe

    You had me worried. I thought you were going to take some time off to relax with the moment. And be gone.

    But then I visit the site to find some very wonderful new work.

    Thanks, Beaver.
