Wednesday, August 02, 2006

SF Connect 1: Protest Detour

Early Tuesday evening, August 1st, on the way to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's "Launch Party for SF Connect" at Bill Graham auditorium...

...I stumbled across a small protest march...

...that was being hemmed in to the sidewalks by the cops, and forced to obey all the street lights.

As is becoming usual at these affairs, there seemed to be as many police as protestors present, which is sort of creepy.

The protest seemed to be an amalgamation of all kinds of leftist causes...

...but the majority were protesting Israeli's latest misbehavior...

...with their many neighbors.

The group was mostly charming except for the young woman above with a megaphone and a ridiculous chant.

I'm sure she was an undercover policewoman who had been elected leader of the anti-zionist organization after two hours, and she was actually using her annoying voice in order to discredit the group. (A variation of that scenario actually happened in Oakland recently.)

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