Wednesday, February 01, 2006

People Who Are Going to Hell

On Tuesday the 31st there was another vote at City Hall about the persecution of the Falun Gong in China.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Falun Gong: innocuous meditation/exercise group or evil cult?

There's been a lot of propaganda lately in San Francisco quoting their founder putting out homophobic remarks...

...but by the standards of the current Catholic Church, Orthodox Jewish faith, or the Mormons, for instance, it's pretty mild stuff, comparable to the Dalai Lama's disapproval of same-sexers on dogmatic grounds.

The brilliant San Francisco political polemicist h. brown, who has been somewhat lax in updating his own website, sent out a great diatribe to friends about an hour before the vote for the watered-down resolution decrying persecution by the Board of Supervisors. The resolution was further watered down during the session by Supervisor Fiona Ma who had the word "China" deleted even though they are the only country persecuting the "cult."

Here's Mr. Brown's take on the villains in this tale:
People who are going to Hell
(ignoring genocide unpopular with Deity)

I couldn't let today's vote on the watered-down resolution decrying the persecution of the Falun Gong by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors...couldn't let the vote happen without putting today's biggest assholes in the spotlight. This is a special day. I'm used to shaking my head at these local soap-opera type politicos...used to being disappointed when they traded opening bathrooms in the parks for children for the opportunity to get their picture taken with Tiger Woods (see Sean Elsbernd).

I'm used to that kind of thing. They piss you off, but they seldom cause anyone to lose their lives. Today's Falun Gong resolution is different and all of the people listed below know that their labors against the Falun Gong will surely cause more members of that sect to be harassed, imprisoned, tortured and murdered. For their own reasons, they've chosen to promote the genocide of 110 million people. Remember these names when you see stories of the persecution of the Falun Gong. These people support genocide.

1. Rose Pak...
Like Meyer Lansky, Rose controls millions, yet leads a simple life. In a truly ballsy move a couple of years back, she applied for and was approved as one of the 'low income' recipients of a discounted apartment in a highrise condo in Chris Daly's district. She is a cynical bag lady and chief apologist for the Chinese Communist government which is taking their 7 year persecution of the Falun Gong underground.

2. Phil Bronstein...
Took $10,000 from Pak to run slanderous ad on Falun Gong. Edited their persecution from his paper's copy. Chron's sister TV outlet (KPIX) followed the PRC's full-page ad with an editorial from a Latino commentator who said the Falun Gong should be kept out of the coming parade.

3. Dianne Feinstein...
Has provided the highest American political cover for the PRC persecution of the Falun Gong. Denies she is supporting genocide.

4. Richard Blum...
Dianne's hubby. Could be the greediest man in the world. All that matters to Dick is money, money, money. His URS neocon corp says that how a country treats members of religious sects not popular with their dictator is not his business. Oh, he does massive business in China.

5. Jake McGoldrick...
Has become a truly disgusting human being ruled by his hates. Jake may be relegated to the lowest of Dante's circles. He acts for no reason other than spite. Everyone else on my list is selling their souls for money or power or sex or something else that can be, in some context, considered useful. McGoldrick is opposed to the Falun Gong and will see them driven into gas chambers for no other reason than that he hates Chris Daly and Daly favors them.

6. Bevan Dufty...
Sold his soul out long, long ago. He said that the Falun Gong: "Aren't mostly from around here." in explaining his vote supporting their torture and murder. He continues to justify his support of the PRC's ongoing genocide on scriptural grounds, ignoring his own religion's clear 3,000 year-old call for 'Hori' (an Old Testament call from Yaweh for the genocide of the Philistine - now Palestinian - people)...there ain't no justification for this shit, folks.

7. Fiona Ma...
Has the least moral fiber of any Board member I've ever observed and that includes the likes of Barbara Kaufmann & Leland Yee.

The vote? It will be 10-1 with McGoldrick feeding his demons.

In truth, h. didn't guess the vote correctly. Peskin joined McGoldrick in the vote against the resolution and h. had this to say about the development:
"Peskin voted against the Falun Gong without saying why as did McGoldrick. Peskin later explained his reasons during the supes' Roll Call for Introductions in the form of a slanderous listing of the faults of the Falun Gong. No one could respond. I phoned and cursed his recording machine. Then came Public Comment and he tried to stop the Falun Gong from replying after the item was closed, although he had done exactly that. Not a good day for Peskin name."


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    i've always been much more frightened by purgatory.

  2. It's always refreshing to see some literal demonizing. Strange that this issue hasn't gotten much coverage at all on the local TV news, or at least any that I've seen.
